A colic of mine was trying to act cute and said he wanted his own custom version of kali linux.
As remaster-sys might not work, ( i think ), went on to figure if it's really possible.
As he sucks in googling, here are the steps for my own reference.
Install Kali to a VM.
apt update && apt install curl git live-build
git clone git://git.kali.org/live-build-config.git
cd live-build-config
Inside the kali-config folder, there are various "environments" available.
I choose the LIGHT version as though it's a variant of the XFCE env, it's really light.
With this in mind, lets add some "special" packages that my colic wants.
Edit the config in kali-config/variant-light/package-lists/kali.list.chroot
Add your packages etc.
As he wanted to add custom "code and scripts" as well, add them to kali-config/common/includes.chroot/ folder. EG: root/Desktop/aaa.txt will make the aaa.txt appear on the root desktop.
To enable SSH on startup,
echo ‘update-rc.d -f ssh enable’ >> kali-config/common/hooks/01-start-ssh.chroot
chmod 755 kali-config/common/hooks/01-start-ssh.chroot
Once done, build the image.
./build.sh --variant light --verbose
Drink coffee and the build ISO will be at: images/xxx.iso
REF: https://www.cybrary.it/0p3n/create-kali-linux-iso/
REF: https://kali.training/chapter-9/building-custom-kali-live-iso-images/